Randy's Free Patcher for AppleWorks 4.01/4.02 RFP v1.1 Copyright 1994 Randy Brandt This program is freeware. By definition, that means the author retains copyright, but the program and documentation may be distributed without restriction. Please upload it to any bulletin boards you wish, put it on user group disks, etc. The only restriction is that the RFP and RFP.Docs files make up the package, and they may not be modified. You may distribute the entire MAKE402 package for AW 4.01 owners, and the two RFP files by themselves for AW 4.02 owners. Why RFP? -------- Many users are used to modifying AppleWorks almost beyond recognition. This is a moderate attempt to provide some of the most popular patches to anyone who wants them. Originally there was thought of updating Companion Plus, but it appears that wouldn't be worth it financially. With John Link's "lastPatch" already providing 18 or so patches to many users, Companion Plus isn't feasible. However, "lastPatch" is not available to TimeOut-Central or GEnie users, so I decided to devote a day to writing RFP specifically for TO-C and GEnie, although distribution is not restricted to those venues. Version 1.0 was released on the January 1994 TimeOut-Central disk. Version 1.1 adds these additional patches: - allow standard Getfile keys for changing directories - swap the functions of OA-S and OA-Ctrl-S - change the spreadsheet overflow character - change the spreadsheet money character - allow the IIgs Enter key to do a Down arrow in the spreadsheet How to use RFP -------------- Make a backup copy of your AppleWorks program disk. Never patch originals of any software! Boot this disk or select MAKE402.SYSTEM from your program selector, press Escape to exit the docs, and then select Randy's Free Patcher. You'll be prompted to insert your AppleWorks startup disk. If you're modifying AppleWorks on a hard drive, just press Return and enter the pathname to AppleWorks when prompted. All RFP patches are reversible. You're given the current setting for all patches (except Yes/No) and given the option of toggling it by pressing the "y" key. NOTE FOR 5.25" USERS -------------------- Buy a hard drive or 3.5" drive. But in the meantime, make sure you copy the SEG.AW file from the last floppy RFP worked with onto your other disks. The disks with SEG.AW are Startup, Word Processor and Spreadsheet, and they must all have the exact same version. RFP Patches ----------- Auto-save key: Normally AW issues an OA-Control-S during an auto-save, thereby storing the file in its original directory. Switching this to OA-S will store the file in the current directory. NOTE: Auto-save is the new AW 4 feature triggered after the number of minutes determined by Standard Settings. Do not confuse this with the AW 3 Smart-save feature which puts a file in its original directory when OA-Control-S is pressed. OA-H ending character: Normally AW does a form feed after an OA-H screen dump. RFP lets you change that to a simple Return. Startup cursor: Normally AW starts up with an insert cursor. This option lets you make the strikeover cursor the default. Check marks: Normally AW marks picked entries and menu items with a "-->" but you can change that to a MouseText checkmark with RFP. One-key menus: Normally AW requires a Return key after the number of a menu item, even if the menu has less than 10 entries. This option immediately selects menu items when the number is pressed. Vertical character: Normally AW draws file cards with "|" characters. Users with foreign character set Apples find this unattractive, so this option uses the "!" character instead. Word Processor Return symbol: Normally AW uses the homely "blot" character to indicate the end of a carriage Return line. We find the MouseText bent arrow to be a vast improvement. Data Base Tab: Normally AW stops if you press Tab on the last category in multiple record layout. This option tells AW to wrap back to the first category in the next record. MouseText Disks/Folders: Normally AW spells out the words "Disk," "Path," and "Subdirectory" in file listings. This option uses the much cooler MouseText symbols. Smart-save key: Normally the Smart-save feature requires OA-Control-S to store a file in its original directory. You may switching this feature to OA-S if you don't want to press the Control key. In that case, OA-Control-S will store the file in the current directory, as OA-S originally did. Changing this will affect how AutoSave works, so you may wish to change that option as well. Standard Getfile keys: When AppleWorks is at a file listing, Escape cancels completely, OA-. moves you into the highlighted subdirectory, and OA-, backs you out of the current subdirectory. Enabling the standard Mac/GSOS Getfile keys allows OA-. to cancel completely, Escape to back out of the current subdirectory, and Return is used to move into the highlighted subdirectory. Reverse Yes/No: Normally AW displays "No" as the default when a "Yes/No" question is asked of the user. This option allows you to reverse the order so that "Yes" is accepted when Return is pressed. IIgs Enter key in spreadsheet: The IIgs Enter key is normally the same as Return. This option allows it to act like a Down arrow in the spreadsheet, simplifying data entry with the keypad. Spreadsheet overflow character: Normally the Spreadsheet displays "#" when a cell's value is too large to display. This option allows you to use the Vertical character (see prior patch) instead. Spreadsheet money character: The Spreadsheet formats money by preceding it with a "$" character. Users with UK displays prefer to use "#" and this patch grants that small wish. This one's for you, Harvey Nyman! Thanks to Dan Verkade for figuring it out. Thanks ------ Thanks to Joe Gleason for permission to create and distribute RFP freely. Thanks to Wally Bradford for saving me from looking up the Yes/No patch addresses, and to Bev Cadieux for help with Standard Getfile and One-key menus. Thanks to Steve Beville, Will Nelken, Dan Crutcher and all others involved in testing. Thanks to Joanna for letting me write v1.1 during the New Year's Bowl games, and for taking care of the more demanding part of making twins.